02 April 2009

Humans idiosyncrasies

Why does the seaweed always look greener on the other side of the fence? Why do human beings long for what they once had? or what others have and can't find contentment from what they have? And why are humans so sensitive towards differences between them? From the color of their skin, to the dresses they wear, to beliefs they harbor its all worth in the mind of a human to fight over. Is that all part of the human survival instinct?


  1. Humans are very insecure. What can we expect when we needlessly became intelligent in the face of the fact that no answers were forthcoming and we were too vulnerable to accept the fact of our deaths and in the process ironically became the most irrational species (that's why I say intelligence is a byproduct of evolution) embracing the most irrational ideas like God and religion.

    I think it's quite natural that the seaweed is always greener in somebody else's lake. Humans take everything for granted. So what you have you don't like, what you don't have you want...

  2. Whether you believe or disbelieve in a God or a religion is irrelevant, the fact of the matter is there are millions of humans beings inhabiting this Earth and everyone is unique; in their beliefs, disbelief's, needs, attire and even skin color. What evolution has missed out or should be doing next; is to develop the means for us to co-exist peacefully with all these differences.

  3. "Why do human beings long for what they once had? "

    Babies are born with surprising cry. This is the method the baby convince the world that they need attention, love, comfort and care.
    when the baby is fed with food and comforted by the loving care and comfort from the biological mother, the cries ceases. however if the same baby is fed with someone except the biological mother the dissolving tears wont stop.
    why? The baby spend lifetime in the mothers womb, and even when they are outside they want what they had once:P

    these are my favorite type of questions, very much like to analyze over this philosophically and scientifically.
    just no time to think about anything right now, will surely give a best answer when i am free, btw thanks for the inspirational words.

  4. Inertia eh?

    Looking forward for you answers 4ajja

  5. yes its a part of human instinct to expect things more.
    humans wants are such that they cannot find contentment from what they have. They always yearn more.
    Once the basic needs food, shelter and clothing are satisfied. They jump up into the higher level that is physical satisfaction level. where most nutritious food can only be eaten, transportation by car, a massage everyday to keep healthy. At this level improvement is brought about in life to sustain all these means of satisfaction. Once this is satisfied need for a more luxuriant life arises, traveling,spending holidays, and etc.
    It is more like a food web. The richest person on the top can eat the brains of all below him. hehe.

    And this difference in needs, wants have created differences among human beings. They seem to occupy different energy levels in their chain. This is how every small thing in our universe works, the electrons tend to lie in different orbitals with different energies.

    And the genes are passed from one person to another. perhaps every time when something happens it is mimicked by the mimic gene and that gene pass from one generation to another.Due to modernization every time this gene is passed it gets modified. And the "selfish gene" human posses might have played an important role during this process.

  6. By that logic, richest man would also be left unsatisfied hehe :P

    Hmmm a "mimic gene" and a "selfish gene" interesting hypothesis.

  7. There is another level which i have missed,the level of the most richest who spend money on community works.

    yeah most of the time the richest ppl are always unsatisfied in this imaginary world. My belief:)(partly innocent smile)

