27 February 2008

da One aBoUT da Tag THiNG...

ok shweeet let me try answer those...

Available?: Depends on availabilty

B-Best friend: have one

C-Cake or Pie?: had em...

D-Drink of choice: Smooothiess

E-Essential thing used everyday: Tissue

F-Favourite colour: Black

G-Gummi bears or worms: have nothing against or for gummi bears or worms..

H-Hometown: Male'

I-Indulgence: havent done that yet..

J-January or February: Both february and january..

K-Kids and names: Dont have any kids.. yes I have names a first, a middle and a last name..

L-Life: "Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get"

M-Marriage date: sunshine and farts?! m stil in kindergarden :P

N-Number of siblings: 2

O-Oranges or apples: Oranges

P-Phobias: aichmophobic

Q-Quote: "I'm the baby. Why the deuce would they want to replace me? My, my cheeks are pinchable, my bottom is smooth, my laugh is heartwarming. Aha ha ha ha ho ho ho!"

R-Reason to smile: People I love :)

S-Season: a drizzly cool season.. if there is any

T-Tag three people: Jennifer aniston, Courteney Bass Cox Arquette and Lisa Diane Marie Kudrow :P

U-Unknown fact about me: that there isnt one :P , ok seriously I am a fish.. dont tell anyone shhhh ;)

V-Vegetable you do not like: cant think of any rite now

W-Worst habit: Got loads of worst habit'S

X-x-rays you have had: yep

Y-Your favorite food: There are too many of em to write here

Z-Zodiac: Not zodiac :P


  1. hehe saabasss!!!

    and let them know that they are tagged :P lol

    haadhahaavaa unknown fact ekey dho :P

