29 February 2008

Da OnE aBoUT da LoO ArT!!

The toilet such a versatile wonderful place...the place you can take a dump, the only place you can relieve yourself unless of course you are....... (lets continue about the toilet) it is the place you get in touch with your weirdest or the most productive thoughts...well Have you noticed sorta art, gossips and phone numbers, email adds on the walls, and the doors of the toilets? ... Have anyone of you ever called such a number? ... Do you draw inside the toilet? ... does it help you relieve stress? like I said toilet, is quiet some place... what is the best Line you have read in a toilet? :P

"Well, fie on the toilet! It's made slaves of you all! I've seen it sitting in there, lazy, slothful, porcelain layabout feeding on other people's doo-doos while contributing nothing of its own to society!" Stewie


  1. Hehe..saabas saabassss!!!
    dhen hama neiy bunaane vaahaka eh :P
    mihaaru dhen toilet vaahaka viyyaa :P
    bllll :P

  2. i don't go into public toilets, so i never see such stuff written all over
    although aminiya had some good stuff, so i heard
    you write about the most absurd stuff!
    and thats a compliment ingey :P

  3. reminds me of an episode in british comedy series Little Britain where a parliament member faces allegations of having a gay encounter in a public toilet. so he issues a statement in defense by saying something like "a coupla guys there invited me to the toilet for a chat about politics..."

    btw it's a hilarious show. much better than the american comedies ...

  4. *shweet: ehenves vaaneyea, toilet vee ma keetha vee?? :P

    *lavender: :P

    *mini: compliment eh? thanks ;)

    *shaari: little britian eh? wil try to catch that.. cheers :D

