26 April 2009

MDP parliamentary campaign song is about WET DREAMS?

"Nanaa huvafen dhushee may" am not good at cracking these coded messages in Dhivehi songs, poems or "raai-varu" but this song that comes on TVM when they show MDP candidates running for the parliament... sounds to me like its all about a guy describing his wet dreams.

Whats the message they are trying to convey through this song? Vote for us cause we had wet dreams? seriously?


  1. Seriously! lol
    You know what, when vaavu MP Ismail Shihab was asked why ppl shud vote for him, he replied with a poem called "Suvaruge". Maybe he was suggestin that he wud tak everyone to heaven whn he gets electd!

  2. aan ekeyy!!! and when you vote, they will show YOU wet dreams too o! VBH

  3. unfortunately students today are not aware of meanings of these old songs. people are so used to songs with shallow meanings that when one of those old songs are played they fail to comprehend them.

    I suggest you ask yr dhivehi teacher what the meaning is.

  4. what i can understand is that it's about a very trippy dream he had in which he becomes very wealthy. how he becomes rich is not conventional, indeed fantastic. so maybe MDP is saying we can help you achieve even your most far-fetched goals. but since the song has a magical element to it, is MDP going to invoke the supernatural for us? or is MDPs promise merely a dream, an illusion, just like the dream of the author? personally i think he was high on LSD. what i like about it is the poetry and images. Sort of dhivehi lhenverikan meets Arabian nights.

  5. Nanaa huvafen dhusheemey, dharaavaa hindhu dhuniyeyn
    Baarakaa meehakuge numelaa, aarakah maamui fethey theeye

    In a dream i saw , with no man's will, a river of honey gushing and flowing out from the earth.

    Lha fisaari magey rankolha, ma fisaari thedheh bunan hey
    Afilaa gasgahuge kuriah, kafihi boli maslaa dhuvaa theeye

    My little one, shall I tell you a truth? I saw cowrie snails running on the branches and twigs of trees.

    Akhu magey heyo kathunney tahuwaave anaa bunan hey
    Bakhuthu Jamaalu hedhi fadha, thakhutheh matheegaa nidhee theeye

    My good brothers, I'm telling you, I saw myself sleeping on a throne, like the one made by Bakhthu Jamal.

    Milakun magey mithuraa, thilavaa lhen bahun bunanhey
    Kilanbu naagaa mathin dholhu bilakalhu kandumas fumey theeye

    My dear one, shall I tell you in clear poetry? I saw ??12?? tuna fish jumping over a ??snake??.

    Nanaa thedhekey kathunney, vanaajidhuvaa varehhey
    Aanuge adin dhirey raha, baanilaa kekigen araa theeye

    My friends, its true, it's almost ??entrancing??. I saw mercury bubbling up in waves from the ground.

    Roadhenney assavaashey, dho nuvaa mee baheh hey
    Goathi there in javaahiru, koadhulaa folhigen araa theeye

    Listen my ??friends??, this is a word that cannot be ??a lie??, I saw precious stones bloom as buds out in my yard

    (lyrics by 'hawwkhassaan' over at youtube.)

    Honey, cowries, thrones, tuna, mercury, precious gems,... all signs of wealth and abundance back then. Today's equivalents could be.. champagne rivers, dollar trees, german cars, luxury hotels, oil, diamonds, yachts, designer clothes, a resort and.. a plot of land in male'.. Materialistic much? I wonder why this slogan song doesnt talk of education, health, basic human rights, end to religious strife, blah blah.. i guess the wealth is symbolic of a prosperous utopia where these needs are all met?? lhenveriyaage banduga is true. for all we know u could be right and it could be about some guy's hallucinogenic erotic dream disguised with some metaphors.

  6. lol! Thank you very much anonymous :) ... the meaning is well hidden in the raaveriyaa ge bandu

