23 April 2008

Dear Diary,

its 11:13...am hungry and tired...wondering why we exist here? not really...I just said that coz it made sense to what am feeling right about now...wondering why we hardly listen to our mum!!! they are hardly ever wrong...moving one...people love to deny who they once were...coz its too embarrassing...and does not sorta make em look good to the new crowd of people they hang out with...new topic...Karma and all those weird spiritual rules sorta make sense to me tonight...as to why I never made that turn or why I never did this or that just goes on to prove to me that whatever the heck I do am bound by these rules...Stupid evil rules... maybe my fish brain ain't mature enough to everything... I don't want to stop writing tonight...I am hungry but I don't feel like eating... do you ever get that feeling?.. I bet they have a name for that too... do u think they have a name for that?... ok thats it for me :P Zzzzz


  1. its 04:13am... I hope u have slept peacefully by now

  2. its 07.19am now... and i hope you are as hungry as you were last night!!!

    **Evil Grin**

  3. it was 11.45 and i hope a smile spread across ur lips at that moment =)

    hmm..why we hardly listen to mum..they are never wrong..true.. =\

  4. fish ves dho! echeh liyeleema e jehunee nidhan! tut tut :P

  5. and yeah, i listen to my mum :D [well, most of the time]

  6. listening to mom dho. i do.
    obeying is something else...well, i do almost all the time.

    and yeah fish, i do feel like that a lot now a days. hungry, but no interest in eating. dunno whats the name for that :S

