18 February 2008

LoBsters Dont Mate For LIFE???

Phoebe was wrong... lobsters dont mate for life... (guess non of you are suprised :P ) ... But their courtship and mating rituals are pretty interesting...

Lobsters do it their own style… rather than the male approaching the female… it’s the female who picks and lures the male… when she is ready to molt (strip off her shell) … she would go out and pick the biggest baddest male in the group and release a sex phermone ( “basically” she would pee) to attract the male…The male would emerge from his hole.. and have a little wild cuddling session with the female…Once they are ready to mate the female lobster would place her claws on the males head... and they enter the males home…and the female will strip her shell (this could take hours or days) …Once she have shed her shell, the male would turn her body over on her back with his walking legs and his mouth parts, being careful not to tear her flesh… the male would insert his first pair of swimmerests into her receptacles, and passes his sperm in the females body… the couple would remain there for a week… (till she grow back a new shell)... and Bye bye For life..


  1. laaiii
    adhives phoebe ge bas gabool kuraathi! :P

  2. she shouldve used the example of penguins!

  3. copy paste wot bulhaa sed..

    n 10nx 4 the wonderful piece of knowledge. kyp enlightenin us knuckleheads. :P

  4. *shweet: hehe :P

    .mini: penguins eh hmm

    bulhaa: yep pee.. Male lobsters go crazy for em ;)

    Bubbletoes: :D hehe thanks

