05 January 2008

DO you agree with the following statement?

Masculinity is defined by power. Femininity is defined by love. In heterosexuality, a woman gives her husband power and a man gives his wife love. Women must give men the power to love them. Thus male power is transmuted into love and two people become one." Dr. Henry Markow


  1. that's enlightening... probably, masculinity is defined by power coz that's what every man want..everyone strives for it... and women want love more than anything... it's in their system.. to love and care.. that's why women gets pregnant and have kids... n we dont... ;)

  2. Bukhari (6:301) - "Muhammad said, 'Is not the evidence of two women equal to the witness of one man?' They replied in the affirmative.
    He said, 'This is the deficiency in her intelligence.'"

  3. emeehaa ah eothee maa bodah engifa! hehe..ekam assu mulhiakun dhogeh ves noon =p

  4. Hammett: true... its all a Plan to keep the Human race going :D

    hikandhisoru: Women being witnesses and how heterosexuality works.. wonder how u related em?

    i-kko: cheers

    Shweeeet: lol :P

    Nass: hey dude nice to see you here

