26 December 2007

Dear Diary...

26th December 2007

Dear Diary,

I never had a diary before, well not real one at least... anyway I was watching FRIENDS couple of years back this line Chandler said ".... I mean if I die the only way people would even know I was here, would be by the ass print on this chair!..."

this is true to me too... so I have decided to keep a diary... if I die there be my ass print on this chair plus all the stupid things I did and thought about etc on this diary...

Nothing much happened today... ate a lota chickens, watched FRIENDS, went to class on time for both classes (thanks to my --------) ... but the lab period sucked.. coz the guy who was supposed to defrost the cow heart didn't do that... (we were supposed to blend it and make juice of)

that reminds of Bee movie which I watched yesterday... in which they remind us all about the importance of little jobs everybody does and how it effects everybody else...

its almost 9:30pm and am here to finish my assignment...



  1. nice and humorous...
    i started quite the same as you.. few days back.. i thought i should keep a diary.. so i download an ejournal... and i thought why not write on my blog.. which i already had... plus i'm enjoying this now... but that Chandler's line didn't come to mind.. hehe... funny one.. cheers!

  2. ohh that bad non-defroster! that wud have been really interesting!

    bee movie, eh? hmm..i shud watch it..

    okis, good night =p

  3. diary eh?
    thats fun
    reading what you've written ages ago
    great past time!

  4. Okay, am I the only one who finds blending cow hearts to make juice a bit weird??

  5. hammet: thanks hammet

    Shweeeet: u hav gt to watch it.. quiet a movie

    mini: :D

    velvette: cow heart juice (pssst its not a drink =P).. it was to extract sum protein off it..

